As you probably know, we’re working (along with Smoking Video, who’s taking over operation of the site) hard on the relaunch of Smoking Flicks at the start of December. All 400-500 videos on the site have had to be re-encoded into the new format, which has taken months — and still isn’t quite finished.
So here’s the question: which material should get first priority for encoding before the site launches? Right now in the queue we have about half of the IRL Real Life videos, the IRL More videos, the IRL Holders videos, some of the “less popular” Second Hand Smoke and IRLX videos, and the old (from 1999-2000) Noémie videos. Which of those would you like to see available upon launch? (They’ll all be up within 30-45 days or so, but we basically can encode, upload and prep about three per day.) Let us know if you have a preference, either by email to or just leave a comment under this entry. Thanks!