In the current month’s issue of Smoke Signals, we review the first video released by a new company, Smokey Babes. After we went to press with the review, we heard from them (and they also posted on several online messageboards) that they were very unhappy (and shocked) with the small volume of sales they were seeing, and weren’t sure if they could stay in business with that small number of sales (compared to the number of people who downloaded their free samples – which was costing them a huge amount for bandwidth).
Well, we haven’t heard from them in several weeks – and their website has now been down for days. We don’t know if they’ve gone out of business already or not – but if you’re seeing the review of their video in Smoke Signals and thinking about placing an order – you may want to wait until we see, one way or the other, whether they’re coming back online or not. Just a word to the wise (and perhaps confirmation of what we’ve been saying for some time: the profit margins are so small for smoking fetish producers that if the community doesn’t support the people who produce the material we want to see – the material just won’t be produced