We’ve probably all gone through something similar.
We’ve been trying, all DAY, to edit one piece of video.
But there’s a glitch that we haven’t been able to track down, that’s been making things impossible – something that should have taken 2 hours at most, has so far taken us 12.
And we were almost to the point (figuratively, not literally – don’t worry) of taking the computer, throwing it out the window, and screaming to the skies about the curse of the computer era, where things that are supposed to be simple can take an eternity. And wishing that it were 25 years ago, where things like computers didn’t confound and complicate our lives.
But then we stopped to think.
We were editing video, of a sexy woman smoking – video that we not only can enjoy, but can share with all of our members.
Video that would never have seen the light of day if there hadn’t been computers – or digital video cameras – or the internet.
That thought hasn’t completely lessened our frustration, but it’s made it a bit easier to go back to the drawing board and figure out what the hell is wrong – so that we can get the video edited, and everyone can enjoy it.
Something that none of us could ever have done in the pre-computer age.
Maybe these things ARE worth the trouble