Once in a while, you see something that you just have to tell someone about.
Luckily, we have this forum to do that.
Those of you who are fans of occasional smokers may want to change channels, though
We were outside an office building today, when we saw an attractive mid-20s blonde woman rush out of the main entrance with a cigarette dangling from her lips.
Needless to say, we hung around for a bit
She found a spot on a nearby bench, lit up, and smoked the entire all-white 100 in about 2 and a half minutes. Back in our high school days, we would have called her technique hotboxing – she barely removed the cigarette from her lips before taking the next drag, with smoke pouring out of her nose and mouth during and between inhales. Obviously, she needed the cigarette badly.
But then, as she was finishing it, she opened her purse and took out a hard pack of Benson and Hedges 100s, and chain-lit a second cigarette, leaving the pack on the bench next to her. She smoked about half of that cigarette the same way, before apparently was somewhat satisfied and slowed down, finishing the cigarette quickly but taking 5 or 6 seconds between drags, still with smoke pouring from her nose as she dragged.
What was even more remarkable, though, was that she chained three more B&H 100s in a row, her smoking slowing down a bit on each one, but her drags almost as deep on the fifth cigarette as on the first, and still nose-exhaling most of the smoke as she continued to take her inhales.
When the fifth cigarette was done, she got up slowly and walked slowly back to the office building – but this time, with a big smile on her face.
It was obvious that she enjoyed the 20 minute break. We certainly did, too.