After yesterday’s dire prediction, today we saw what the “half-full” side of us might construe as a slightly encouraging sign for the future.
We had an errand to run about ten miles away, in what may be the most exclusive oceanfront town in the nation, La Jolla. And while we didn’t have any outstanding sightings worth reporting, what we did see was more smoking, especially by young, well-dressed, attractive females, than we’ve seen in quite a while in more pedestrian areas of Southern California. Some were walking along the shopping streets, others sitting in cafes – and as we say, there was nothing extraordinary about their smoking – but if we were looking to construe it as anything other than coincidence, we might say that it seems that the “fashionable” young women in this annoyingly anti-smoking part of the world still view a cigarette as part of their look.
If true, that’s not a bad thing at all