We found this post on a board without attribution; it sounds like it was actually written as a news story, but we can’t find the actual source anywhere.
Whether it’s true or not, we still got a good enough laugh out of it to repost it here….
“Public masturbation has a strong association with smoking. On average, smokers increase their public masturbation capacity between 5 and 10-fold compared to never smokers. Even though public masturbation can occur in non-smokers, it should be appreciated that more than 90 percent of all public maturbators and exhibitionists are current or past smokers. Some sub types of masturbation like anal fingering is more strongly associated with smoking than others. There is plenty of research evidence in the literature linking public masturbation to smoking. A recent study published in the New York Journal Of Swingers concluded that the accumulated evidence support the fact secondhand exposure to cigarette smoke could lead to public maturbation and exhibitionism.”