We’ve been promising a number of announcements over the summer, and we’re pleased to make the next in that series.
The Smoking Clip Store is now open.
Right now, the Smoking Clip Store features the full current inventory from the IRL, IRLX and Second Hand Smoke Halls of Fame (more clips are being added all the time) – as well as new Hall of Fame clip stores from CoherentLight and the Smoke Signals library of Random Snaps and SmokeVision material.
It also features new clips from LaVerite (with more being added regularly) – the older clips from their original clip store will be moved over as time permits.
And over the next month or so, you’ll see several established producers adding new lines of never-before-seen video clips as well; those producers will be making announcements when they’re ready with their new product.
The clips are cheaper than at the original C4S stores and all consolidated in one place, so you can browse and buy whatever you like from any producer – with one shopping cart, at one location.
There are also sample photos and sample video for each clip, to help you decide.
We’ve been working on this for a long time – hope you will check it out and will enjoy it
PS If you think this announcement isn’t *that* big – wait until you see the next one