Usually at this time of the summer, we engage in our strategic planning meetings for the coming 12 months. In other words, we have a few beers and think for a little while
Seriously, though, we’re looking for any thoughts that the community might have to help us in planning for the next year. We’ve already made some major changes in our approaches (the elimination of the print magazine and the increased focus on Smoking Flicks, for example). But what would you like us to do differently, what would you like to see us add, what is there that you would really love to have access to that just doesn’t exist?
We can’t promise (obviously) to jump on all the suggestions, but it really does help when we get feedback – either just append a comment to this thread, or email us – we’ve made it through 12 years by trying our best to provide what the smoking fetish community wants – and that’s what we plan on for the next (gasp) 12 years – or as long as we can keep sitting at this desk
I definitely think that, if you want to increase traffic, that you should give subscribers to the online magazine a little bit of something free when it comes to Smoking Flicks. Be it a few free minutes or possibly one free “buy”, I think it would definitely increase interest in Smoking Flicks.
Or maybe I’m just selfish and want a little bit of Smoking Flicks action for free.
Comment by Matt — August 14, 2006 @ 12:33 am
Or both?
Seriously, not a bad idea, but the bandwidth costs for running Smoking Flicks might make that a bit of an expensive “promotion.” Don’t forget, we do offer (and have had for years) a free 30-minute video for Smoke Signals Online members who sign up for a full year
Comment by Administrator — August 15, 2006 @ 12:46 am